Smart Vision Forum 2019
Advanced Technologies invites you to a new and exclusive event dedicated to artificial vision technologies protagonists of the industry of the future.
The first edition of the Smart Vision Forum was held on 25 June 2019 in the Sala Maggiore of Bologna Congressi.
The event, organized by Messe Frankfurt Italia and promoted by ANIE Automazione and AIdAM, was structured in parallel conference sessions and an exhibition area.
In the exhibition area it was possible to investigate with our sales engineers the technological aspects dealt with during the speech and view our live demos dedicated to 3D and the Matrox Imaging libraries.
Technology Session – Indigo Room
11.00 am
Edited by: Marco Olivieri, Advanced Technologies
Deep Learning, whose literal translation means deep learning, is a sub-category of Machine Learning (machine learning) and indicates that branch of Artificial Intelligence that refers to algorithms that reproduce brain functions called artificial neural networks.
In the field of artificial vision, deep learning has made great strides, offering scenarios that are considered purely science-fiction until a few years ago.
During the speech, we deepened how Deep Learning works in the field of Computer Vision, what are the training and learning phases of a Deep Learning system, what are the application areas in which it is currently used, what are the advantages and limits of this technology that is becoming increasingly popular in industrial applications.