This information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 679/2016 (EU) (“GDPR”) to those who access and browse the website (the “Website”).

This policy describes how the Website is managed as regards the processing of personal data about the users who access it; therefore, any third party website to which it may be redirected from the Website is considered excluded.


Advanced Technologies S.p.A. is the data controller for your personal data (“Advanced Technologies”, “AT” or the “Data Controller”).


“Personal Data” means information that is capable of identifying, directly or indirectly, a physical person who is browsing the Website (the “Data”), in this case, you.

In particular, Advanced Technologies processes the following data:

  • name and surname;
  • contact details (i.e., telephone and e-mail address);
  • the IP address, domain name, URL used;
  • navigation and geolocation data (e.g. via a Wi-Fi access point);
  • browsing history;
  • access information (e.g. search queries);
  • information about the operating system and IT environment you use;
  • data provided voluntarily in this context to take advantage of our services and purchase our products.

Advanced Technologies collects data directly in order to fulfil the requests you’ve made. To do this, on the Website there are different forms that the user needs to complete so they are able to manage and follow up the requests submitted on them. In particular, you can register and access what are called reserved areas, purchase the products marketed by Advanced Technologies, request information about the products or services covered by the contract you have signed.

Subject to your express and specific consent, Advanced Technologies may also use your data to send communications relating to advertising, information, or promotional material related to the full range of products marketed by the owner and companies directly controlled by them.

Your data may also be processed so as to invite you to participate in particular initiatives that you might like and find interesting.

In addition, Advanced Technologies, on the basis of your own legitimate interests, may contact you to suggest new products. In this case, the communication will include a so-called opt-out, to allow you to express your lack of interest in receiving these business offers and your desire not to be contacted in the future.

Furthermore, your data may be even be acquired by the Data Controller indirectly: when browsing the Website, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who are connecting to it are traced, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation ) for the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, fail, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s computer environment. We would like to inform you that these data are used exclusively for statistical purposes, and to check the Website is operating properly.

Finally, Data may also be collected and processed to carry out any activities concerned with management and administration of the Website.

Providing these Data is absolutely voluntary, however, if you refuse to provide it, Advanced Technologies will not be able to fulfil your requests.

In all cases, we are committed to ensuring that the information collected and used is appropriate for the purposes described and that this does not lead to an invasion of your personal domain.


The Website uses social c.d. plug-ins, which are special tools that allow you to incorporate the features of social media networks directly within a website (e.g. the “like” button for Facebook).

Each of the social plug-ins on the Website is identified by the logo owned by the social media platform, in this case the Facebook logo. If the user interacts by using the social media plug-in, the data that refers to the data subject is communicated directly to the social platform that processes Data as an independent owner, so in order to obtain more details about the purposes and methods of treatment, the rights you can exercise and the storage of personal data, please consult the social network’s own privacy policy.


Cookies are small text files that websites visited by users send to their computers, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same websites on subsequent visits.

Advanced Technologies generally uses what are called technical cookies, which are needed to improve website functionality for the user. If you want, you can disable/refuse the use of these cookies at any time by changing the settings for the browser you use for navigation. If you do so, however, we would like to point out that that this could compromise browsing the Website and its contents.

If you want to find out more details about the additional types of cookies used by Advanced Technologies, i.e. third-party cookies and profiling cookies, we invite you to consult the Cookie Policy which is available at the following link:


The server farm on which the Website is located is situated in Italy.

Data are not transferred to third-party companies located outside of the European Economic Area; should it be necessary to transfer them, we will make sure the recipients of the Data have adopted appropriate security measures to ensure the data are protected.

Advanced Technologies uses a Zoho CRM that operates in compliance with the new privacy policy, which can be viewed here.


We process your data for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes indicated in paragraph 2 above.

Data supplied for the purposes of stipulating contracts for the services offered by Advanced Technologies will be retained for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, and as long as there are duties or obligations related to performance of the contract, and will retain them for a period of 10 years after the termination of the contractual relationship exclusively for purposes connected with the fulfllment of legal obligations or to defend the rights of Advanced Technologies.

With regard to processing for marketing purposes, carried out on the basis of a legitimate interest of the Owner, or with your consent, data will be processed for the duration of the contract and whilst there are duties or obligations related to execution of the same, except if there is an objection to the processing or a possible revocation of the consent given.

Finally, we reserve the right to store the so-called log-in and log-out data for a longer period, so we are able to deal with any crimes committed against the Website (e.g. hacking activities).


As a data subject concerned by the processing, you have the right to:

  • access the Data and request a copy of it;
  • request the correction or updating of data, where it is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • in the event of certain circumstances, to ask for the Data to be deleted or for the processing of the Data concerned to be restricted;
  • to request data portability;

Finally, you can, at any time, object to the processing or, propose a complaint to the Authority for the protection of personal data or the data controller by filling out the following form.

To get more information about your rights, you can contact Advanced Technologies at the following addresses, alternatively you can write to the Data Controller for Personal Data c/o Advanced Technologies S.p.A., Via Carducci no. 35, 20090 – Trezzano sul Naviglio (M).